Lilith (the whore of Babylon) from the Jewish Kabbalah

Lilith is a mysterious being described in the cabalistic scriptures of the Kabbalah, specifically the Book of Zohar.
Zohar 1:19b (Bereshit: Passages 98-101)
98 And Elohim said let there be lights in the expanse of heaven. After the radiance of primordial light was treasured
away, a shell was created for the kernel. That shell expanded, generating another shell. Emerging, she
ascended and descended, arriving at the small faces. She desired to cling to them, be portrayed in them, and never
depart. The blessed Holy One separated her from there, bringing her down below when he created Adam, so that this
would be perfected in this world.99 As soon as she saw Eve cleaving to the side of Adam, beauty above, as soon as she saw the complete image, she
flew away, desiring as before to cleave to the small faces. Those guardians of the gates on high did not allow her. The
blessed Holy One rebuked her and cast her to the bottom of the sea.

100 She dwelled there until Adam and his wife sinned. Then the blessed Holy One plucked her form there, and she
rules over all those children – small faces of humanity – who deserve to be punished for the sins of their fathers. She
flies off, roaming through the world. Approaching the earthly Garden of Eden, she sees cherubs guarding the gates of
the Garden, and she dwells there by that flaming sword, for she emerged from the side of that flame.

This translates into the modern age Whore of Babylon, a presence in this world that will afflict the followers of God with an eternal damnation of pain.

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