RUMORS PROVEN! Cancer IS curable!!!
Anti-cancer vaccines, administrable by a simple single injection from a small medical syringe, has been revealed as a reality by a whistleblowing DARPA research assistant.
This whistleblower uploaded extensive proof of his findings to WikiLeaks on December 2nd, and this news has been overshadowed by violence around the world, various false flags, and some alarming extents of mainstream media ignorance.
The anonymous whistleblower, who works for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, says that the anti-cancer vaccine has been restricted by “someone above mil-grade clearances” because they received top secret communications from an unknown US security station regarding research, deployment, and distribution of the vaccine.
“Someone is getting these vaccines,” the whistleblower writes, “but only 75-100 people per year.”
Who would that be? We don’t know as of yet, but the whistleblower promises to release more information to WikiLeaks as it becomes available.